Na, Sunghyun
- Department of Telecommunications Policy Research
- Fellow
- 043-531-4291
KISDI Senior Research
2019 Telecommunications Market Review
A Study on Traffic Management for 5G Network Environment
ICT Industry Long-term Forecast (2020∼2024) and the Strategy
A Cross-Country Study of Internet Policy focused on Net Neutrality
2018 Telecommunications Market Review
A Study on the Internet Policy Framework in the era of 4th Industrial Revolution
A Study on the Net Neutrality Policy and Interconnection Policy for the Intelligent Information Society
Analysis of the Impact of ICT-Based Manufacturing Innovation
A Study on the Portfolio Strategies of Global Telco & ICT Company
Analysis on Economic Statistics of ICT and the Internet
A Study on ICT Statistics Development Strategies
Research on the Promotion of M&As of SW SMEs
A study to expand the ecology and performance of the creative economy
A Study on Performance Evaluation and Future Direction for Policies on Venture톁tart-up Firms
A Research on ICT Job Market and Job Creation Policy
A study on long-term strategy for implementation of Creative Economy
A study on the Creative Economy implementation plan
A study on ICT-based Creative Economy
A Study on Net Neutrality and Internet Traffic Management for Sustainable Growth of ICT Ecosystem
A Study on the Impact of New Services such as mVoIP on the Traditional Telecommunications Services and Regulatory Approach? - Focus on Quantitative Analysis
A study on the road map of telecommunications policy and the ICT ecosystem development
A Research on the Wireless Telecommunications Market Entry Regulation
A study on net neutrality for the smart communications environment
A study on the telecommunications policy for the new ICT ecosystem
A Study on the Regulatory Issues on mobile VoIP
The Impact of mVoIP on Mobile Telecommunications Market Evolution
Towards a new regulatory framework with new developments in competition and value chain in telecommunications market
A Research on Telecommunications Licensing and Merger Control Policy : for a new Regulatory Regime
A Study on VoIP Number Portability
The Effects of Convergence on Telecommunications Markets and Regulations
A Study on Convergence and Telecommunications Market Structure
Study on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Laws
A Study on Institutional Reform for Fair Competition in Broadcasting Markets
Medium-to-long-term Basic Plans for Broadcasting
A Study for the KCC Aunual Report
A Study on Numbering Policy in the Convergence Era
A study on Telecommunication Service Classification System
A Study on entry and merger control policy in the public pubic utility industry - the case of telecommunications market
Study on the Convergence of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Laws
The Structural Change and Business Strategies of the Communication Market
A Study on Product Differentiation in the VoIP Market
A study on the Policy of spectrum management for facilitating Communication Market Competition
Reforming telecom regulations for industry promotion and consumer protection
Indonesia BWA(Broadband Wireless Access)licensing policy
The telecommunications entry regulation in the era of convergence
The regulations of the fixed-line telecommunication services in the era of All-IP
A Study on Numbering Policy : Forecasting 010 Conversion Rate and Number Portability
A Study on the Reforms of Telecommunication Service Classification, Market Entry and Merger Control Policy
A Study on Product Differentiation in the VoIP Market
A Study on Mobile Telecommunications Policy : Promotion and Regulation
A Study on the Reforms of Telecommunication Service Classification, Market Entry and Merger Control Policy
A Study of Program Access Rule in the MVPD Markets
Telecommunications Merger Control Policy in the U.S.