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KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

KISDI 정보통신정책연구원

검색 검색 메뉴

KISDI Media Room

  • KISDI Holds the “6th KISDI Open Academy in 2020”

    • Pub date 2020-11-16
    • Place
    • EVENT_DATE2020.11.16
    • File There are no registered files.

The Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI, President Kwon Ho-yeol) held the “6th KISDI Open Academy in 2020” in the conference hall on the 2nd floor of the KISDI building on Monday, November 16.


During the 6th KISDI open academy, Cho Dae-geun, CEO of Inca Research & Consulting, was invited to give a lecture on online platform regulation trends, focusing on the EU’s rules for strengthening fairness and transparency, and reports from the US House of Representatives.


First, we examined the European Commission’s online platform operator regulation trends, the background to and process of introducing pre-regulations, and identified the EC's platform transparency/fairness rules. In addition, the lecture aimed to promote deeper understanding and utilization of the overseas online platform regulatory trends through an analysis of the cases of the four big tech operators (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google) and an in-depth discussion.


From 2020, KISDI plans to continue holding the Open Academy to respond proactively to economic and social changes and identify new policies.